Metaport: places and their stories
Global interactive map containing, among others, data from Armenian architectural websites as well as individuals. -
Artsakh Monument Watch
Incomplete list of Artsakh's endangered sites and monuments -
Ani Church of the Redeemer Site Documentation
A detailed condition survey via documentation of the ruin by CyArc -
Geghard Monastery Site Documentation
In January 2015, CyArk traveled to Armenia to facilitate a two-week training session in digital preservation for high school students at the TUMO Center for Creative... -
Armenian Cultural Heritage Sites in Virtual Reality
Growing catalogue of 3D models of cultural heritage in Armenia -
Research on Armenian Architecture
Lists of Armenian monuments all over the world and images, as well as 3D photos of Armenian architecture of Ani and Khetzkonk -
Index of Armenian Architecture by Fresno State
List of historic buildings by type, with hyper-links with detailed information for some churches -
Destroyed Armenian Cultural Heritage in Nakhijevan, Azerbaijan, and...
A Satellite Investigation of the Destruction of Armenian Cultural Heritage by Caucasus Heritage Watch. The data also refer to the book 'The Historical Monuments of Nakhichevan'...