Status of child and adolescent health policies in Europe
Member States of the European Region of WHO have adopted the European strategy for Child and Adolescent Health and Development 2015-2020. Its aim is to support member states in... -
Global nutrition policy survey
This dataset provides information about national strategies, action plans and policies in the field of nutrition and promotion of healthy diets. It provides an overview of... -
Child and adolescent health
The dataset present information about child and adolescent health. It provides a set of statistics based on indicators related to the health and well-being of children and... -
Financial protection in the European Region in the context of universal...
There is no description for this dataset
European Programme of Work
The EPW measurement framework includes 26 indicator areas of high importance to monitor progress towards leaving no one behind. It encompasses a subset of Sustainable... -
Healthsites of Armenia
This dataset shows the list of operating health facilities. Attributes included: Name, Nature of Facility, Activities, Lat, Long. -
Food Security Indicators
Contains data from the FAOSTAT bulk data service. -
WHO Health Indicators
Contains data from World Health Organization's data portal covering the following categories: Mortality and global health estimates, Sustainable development goals, Millennium... -
Armenia - Food Prices
This dataset contains Food Prices data for Armenia, sourced from the World Food Programme Price Database. The World Food Programme Price Database covers foods such as maize,... -
Armenia - Prices
Contains data from the FAOSTAT bulk data service covering the following categories: Consumer Price Indices, Deflators, Exchange rates, Producer Prices -
National and Subnational Demographic and Health Data
Data by the DHS published at the Humanitarian Data Exchange. The most recent update is as of 2020 for surveys by 2016 -
Admissions for Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition
Number of children 6-59 months admitted for treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM), country data include Armenia in 2020 according to the UNICEF situation reports. Source:...