24 datasets found

Organizations: WorldPop Formats: TIFF

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  • Armenia 100m Age structures in 2000

    Estimates of total number of people per grid square broken down by gender and age groupings (including 0-1 and by 5-year up to 80+) in 2000 for ArmeniaThe dataset is available...
  • Armenia 1km Pregnancies

    Dataset details: Armenia 1km Pregnancies__________DATASET: Version 1.0 2015 estimates of numbers of pregnancies per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match national...
  • Armenia 1km Births

    Dataset details: Armenia 1km Births__________DATASET: Version 1.0 2015 estimates of numbers of live births per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match UN national...
  • Armenia 100m Population

    WorldPop Asia dataset details_____DATASET: Alpha version 2010, 2015 and 2010 estimates of numbers of people per pixel (ppp) and people per hectare (pph), with national totals...
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