Bulk density
Date of mapping: 21/10/20Lab. method: GravimetricUnit: t/m3Date of sampling: 1953-1967Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: -1.00E-04RMSE: 7.00E-04Uncertainty... -
Humus (Organic matter)
Date of mapping: 16-10-20Lab. method: Wet oxidation (Tyurin)Unit: %Date of sampling: 2015-2019Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: -0.02RMSE: 0.87Uncertainty... -
Cation exchange capacity, (sum of cations)
Date of mapping: 20.10.2020Lab. method: titrimetricUnit: meq/100 gDate of sampling: 1953-1967Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: 0.1372RMSE: 1.1931Uncertainty... -
Soil pH
Date of mapping: 28-10-20Lab. method: electrometric in water extractUnit: -Date of sampling: 1953-2019Mapping method: Quantile regression forest + IDW of residualsMean error:... -
Mobile Phosphorus
Date of mapping: 17-10-20Lab. method: Machigin (GOST 26205-91)Unit: mg/100gDate of sampling: 2015-2019Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: -0.13RMSE:... -
Mobile Potassium (Kalium)
Date of mapping: 17-10-20Lab. method: Machigin (GOST 26205-91)Unit: mg/100gDate of sampling: 2015-2019Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: -0.15RMSE:... -
Available Nitrogen
Date of mapping: 17-10-20Lab. method: Tyurin and KononovaUnit: mg/100gDate of sampling: 2015-2019Mapping method: Universal kriging + IDW of residualsMean error: 0RMSE:... -
Exchangeable Sodium Percent
Date of mapping: 26-10-20Lab. method: Na(exch)/CEC*100%Unit: %Date of sampling: 1953-1967Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: -0.04RMSE: 2.03Uncertainty map:... -
Soil electric conductivity
Date of mapping: 23-10-20Lab. method: calculated from total saltsUnit: dS/mDate of sampling: 1953-1967Mapping method: Quantile regression forestMean error: 0RMSE:... -
Soil organic carbon stock, 0-30cm
Date of mapping: 23-10-20Lab. method: Wet oxidation (Tyurin)Unit: t/haDate of sampling: 2015-2019Mapping method: CubistMean error: 0.13RMSE: 15.27Uncertainty map: half-width of... -
River network
River network of Armenia digitized from 1:50000 scale topo maps. Includes names in Armenian and English -
Source: Water Resources Atlas of Armenia -
Source: Water Resources Atlas of Armenia -
Heat durations
Source: Water Resources Atlas of Armenia -
Protected Areas
Source: Water Resources Atlas of Armenia -
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Forest cover
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Վարչական բաժանումներ
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Վարչական բաժանումներ