Armenian cultural heritage data extracted from Russian museums catalog
Armenian cultural heritage data extracted from Russian museums catalog (goskatalog.ru) and converted to CSV file. Original source https://opendata.mkrf.ru Records filtered by... -
Metaport: places and their stories
Global interactive map containing, among others, data from Armenian architectural websites as well as individuals. -
Artsakh Monument Watch
Incomplete list of Artsakh's endangered sites and monuments -
Armenian and Armenia-related artwork in Russian Museums
Data scraped from Artefact and State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia, not processed thoroughly yet -
Database of Armenian Dishes
Armenian and Yezid dishes with recipes and pictures, by regions (in Armenian) -
Armenian Khatchkars (Cross-Stones) Database
A collection of Armenian khatchkars kindly scraped from Armenica.org by a volunteer @vlivyur. -
Cultural and Historical Sites of Yerevan
Official data about damaged, destroyed, and threatened cultural and historical sites of Yerevan, with addresses -
Caucasus Barometer 2021-2022
The data of the Caucasus Barometer research was collected from 18 December 2021 to 04 February 2022. The representative sample size was 1648 respondents. The data was collected... -
Ani Church of the Redeemer Site Documentation
A detailed condition survey via documentation of the ruin by CyArc -
Geghard Monastery Site Documentation
In January 2015, CyArk traveled to Armenia to facilitate a two-week training session in digital preservation for high school students at the TUMO Center for Creative... -
Research on Armenian Architecture
Lists of Armenian monuments all over the world and images, as well as 3D photos of Armenian architecture of Ani and Khetzkonk -
Museums of Artsakh
Data from the AUA 'Artsakh Heritage' Project -
Armenia-related Books in the HathiTrust Digital Library
Catalogue of all texts available in the libraries cooperating with HathiTrust. The keywords are 'Armenia' and 'Armenian', the database contains links to each book page and... -
Index of Armenian Architecture by Fresno State
List of historic buildings by type, with hyper-links with detailed information for some churches -
Fresno State Armenian Photos Archive
Armenian Studies Program's albums on Flickr -
Destroyed Armenian Cultural Heritage in Nakhijevan, Azerbaijan, and...
A Satellite Investigation of the Destruction of Armenian Cultural Heritage by Caucasus Heritage Watch. The data also refer to the book 'The Historical Monuments of Nakhichevan'... -
Fortresses and Castles
List of fortresses and castles located in modern Armenia by Armenian Geographic with links to pages with detailed information -
Index of Digitized Armenian Manuscripts
The Index of Armenian Manuscripts lists Armenian manuscripts digitized and available in full access in digital libraries. It compiles the main metadata available in the catalogs... -
Project SAVE Online Collections Database
Repository of original photographs, from as early as 1860, accessible for research, publications and presentations. Contains ethno-photography studio portraits showing peoples... -
Armenian Treasury
Electronic catalogue of cultural properties of 45 Armenian museums