Life in Transition Survey (LITS)
Longitudinal household survey of 30+ countries, including Armenia, covering the societal, economic, attitudinal and other challenges faced by societies transition. The survey... -
Armenia Stock Exchange (AMX) Data
Primary and secondary, daily market data available for download in xlsx -
Armenian Genocide subsoil and industrial losses
List of resource fields and mines in Western Armenia with descriptions -
Households surveys covering Armenia
International Household Survey Network microdata catalog with 505 surveys related to Armenia (as of Dec. 4 2023). -
Armenia - Economic, Social, Environmental, Health, Education, Development and Energy
Contains data from the World Bank's data portal covering the following topics which also exist as individual datasets on HDX: Agriculture and Rural Development, Aid... -
Armenia - Aid Effectiveness
Contains data from the World Bank's data portal. There is also a consolidated country dataset on HDX. Aid effectiveness is the impact that aid has in reducing poverty and... -
Armenia Relative Wealth Index
The Relative Wealth Index predicts the relative standard of living within countries using de-identified connectivity data, satellite imagery and other nontraditional data... -
Armenia - Food Prices
This dataset contains Food Prices data for Armenia, sourced from the World Food Programme Price Database. The World Food Programme Price Database covers foods such as maize,... -
Armenia - Prices
Contains data from the FAOSTAT bulk data service covering the following categories: Consumer Price Indices, Deflators, Exchange rates, Producer Prices -
Key Tax Statistics from the Tax Service
Monthly data for 2008-2023 by collected tax categories including annual account about the inspections and audits of organizations conducted by the Tax Service (since 2012). Data... -
Large Taxpayers Data
Detailed tax statistics regarding the largest taxpayers by the Tax Service of Armenia -
Tax Reports of NGOs and Foundations
Data provided by the Tax Service of the Republic of Armenia, since 2017/18 -
Organizations based in diaspora or engaging diaspora
List of select active in Armenia organizations based in diaspora or engaging diaspora (as of August 2022) with sectors of activity and websites from IOM study 'Enhancing... -
Trade and Customs Data by the Customs Service
There is no description for this dataset
Natural resources of the Republic of Armenia
List of natural resources locations categorized by regions (with map visualization provided in the original version) and types of natural resources. In the web version, subsoil... -
Financial Accounts Shared by the National Assembly of Armenia
Zip archives containing detailed data (mainly excel files) on dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, state debt, incomes and spending, deficits and their financing, and accounts... -
Organizations Having Adverse Effects on Atmosphere
A list of state-registered organizations having adverse effects on atmospheric air -
Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions by gases/sectors from 1990 to 2017, Gg CO2 eq. -
Payments for the Use of Subsurface
Payments to the Environmental Protection Fund for extraction and geological exploration of natural resources and carbonic mineral waters in 2018-2022 by company, listing the... -
2022 ADB Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor - Armenia profile
This volume reviews micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It provides data and analysis as a resource for evidence-based policy...