30 datasets found

Organizations: Open Data Armenia Formats: DATABANK

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  • MIX Market

    MIX Market data has been reported by financial services providers (FSPs) targeting the unbanked in developing markets around the globe. The data were reported to MIX for...
  • Education Statistics

    The World Bank EdStats All Indicator Query holds over 4,000 internationally comparable indicators that describe education access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers,...
  • Quarterly Public Sector Debt

    Quarterly Public Sector Debt (QPSD) database, jointly developed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, brings together detailed public sector debt data of...
  • Sustainable Development Goals

    Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These indicators may...
  • Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicators

    The dataset has grown over time from the first dataset published in 2000 which pulled data from 42 surveys and one type of survey, covered just 42 countries, and included just...
  • Economic Fitness

    Economic Fitness (EF) is both a measure of a country’s diversification and ability to produce complex goods on a globally competitive basis. Countries with the highest levels of...
  • Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection

    The 2017 Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection (FICP) Survey tracks the prevalence of key policy, legal, regulatory, and supervisory approaches to advancing...
  • Doing Business

    The Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies. Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business,...
  • Global Financial Development

    The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 214 economies. It contains annual data, starting from 1960. It has been...
  • Subnational Malnutrition Database

    Subnational estimates of child malnutrition (prevalence for stunting, underweight, overweight, wasting and severe wasting indicators) using available data up to 2012.