Seed Collection of Crops and Crops’ Wild Relatives (CWRs) of Armenia
The first genetic bank of plants in RA was created as a result of the research expeditions organized every year in different zones of RA, which today has the largest collection... -
National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia - Institute of Botany -...
A.L.Takhtajan Institute of Botany Yerevan. National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia - Institute of Botany - Herbarium ERE. Occurrence dataset... -
Species Occurrences in Armenia
186,958 occurrences in 1742–2023 from GBIF Occurrences datasets all over the world -
Health 2020 indicators
Health 2020 core indicators were agreed by the WHO European Region Member States for monitoring progress towards the Health 2020 targets. Some of these indicators are based on... -
Status of child and adolescent health policies in Europe
Member States of the European Region of WHO have adopted the European strategy for Child and Adolescent Health and Development 2015-2020. Its aim is to support member states in... -
Global nutrition policy survey
This dataset provides information about national strategies, action plans and policies in the field of nutrition and promotion of healthy diets. It provides an overview of... -
Antimicrobial resistance data
This data set describes antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data from the WHO European Region gathered through the Central Asian and Eastern European Surveillance of Antimicrobial... -
Maternal nutrition, physical activity and weight gain during pregnancy
This data set presents information about maternal nutrition, the prevention of obesity and noncommunicable disease. It provides an overview and explores what national... -
Seasonal influenza vaccination policies and coverage
Data on seasonal influenza vaccination policies and coverage (2008/2009-2014/2015) was collected by VENICE (Vaccine European New Integrated Collaboration Effort) through the... -
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)
This is an aggregated dataset underlying the WHO international report on health behavior of school-aged children, conducted in 2016 and 2018. Find the latest report here:... -
Child and adolescent health
The dataset present information about child and adolescent health. It provides a set of statistics based on indicators related to the health and well-being of children and... -
Financial protection in the European Region in the context of universal...
There is no description for this dataset
Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS) data
ENHIS is an evidence-based information system aiming to support public health and environmental policies in the WHO European Region. The system is an interactive database,... -
European database on human and technical resources for health (HlthRes-DB)
HlthRes-DB provides a wide range of statistics on human and technical resources for health and offers data on non-monetary health care resources collected through the joint work... -
European mortality database (MDB)
European mortality database allows age- and sex-specific analysis of mortality trends by broad disease-groups, as well as dis-aggregated to 67 specific causes of death. Data... -
Rehabilitation Services Quality
Rehabilitation aims to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment. It is a cost-effective service... -
European Programme of Work
The EPW measurement framework includes 26 indicator areas of high importance to monitor progress towards leaving no one behind. It encompasses a subset of Sustainable... -
Historic Maps of Armenia collected by R. Galichian
Books in pdf providing unique collections of old maps containing Armenia -
Old Maps Armenia
Armenia-related maps on the Old Maps Online -
Generalized Geology of the Former Soviet Union (geo1ec)
The data set outlines and describes the general geologic age and type of bedrock of the Former Soviet Union and selected adjacent areas. It also includes shoreline and inland...