Global Consumption Database 2010 (version 2014-03)

The Global Consumption Database (GCD) contains information on consumption patterns at the national level, by urban/rural area, and by income level (4 categories: lowest, low, middle, higher with thresholds based on a global income distribution), for 92 low and middle-income countries, as of 2010. The data were extracted from national household surveys. The consumption is presented by category of products and services of the International Comparison Program (ICP) 2005, which mostly corresponds to COICOP. For three countries, sub-national data are also available (Brazil, India, and South Africa). Data on population estimates are also included. The data file can be used for the production of the following tables (by urban/rural and income class/consumption segment): - Sample Size by Country, Area and Consumption Segment (Number of Households) - Population 2010 by Country, Area and Consumption Segment - Population 2010 by Country, Area and Consumption Segment, as a Percentage of the National Population - Population 2010 by Country, Area and Consumption Segment, as a Percentage of the Area Population - Population 2010 by Country, Age Group, Sex and Consumption Segment - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP (Million) - Household Consumption 2010 by Country, Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ (Million) - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Category of Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Product or Service, Area and Consumption Segment in Local Currency - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Product or Service, Area and Consumption Segment in US$ - Per Capita Consumption 2010 by Country, Product or Service, Area and Consumption Segment in $PPP - Consumption Shares 2010 by Country, Sector, Area and Consumption Segment (Percent) - Consumption Shares 2010 by Country, Category of Products/Services, Area and Consumption Segment (Percent) - Consumption Shares 2010 by Country, Product/Service, Area and Consumption Segment (Percent) - Percentage of Households who Reported Having Consumed the Product or Service by Country, Consumption Segment and Area (as of Survey Year)

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Last Updated July 7, 2023, 22:06 (UTC)
Created July 7, 2023, 22:06 (UTC)