Women of child bearing age (15-49 years old) in 2015 , Armenia

Estimates of total number of women of child bearing age (15 years old- 49 years old) per grid square in 2015 for Armenia. The dataset is available to download in Geotiff format at a resolution of 0.00833333 decimal degrees (approx 1km at the equator).The mapping approach is Pezzulo, C. et al. Sub-national mapping of population pyramids and dependency ratios in Africa and Asia. Sci. Data 4:170089 doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.89

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Source https://hub.worldpop.org/geodata/summary?id=18316
Last Updated July 8, 2023, 16:44 (UTC)
Created July 8, 2023, 16:44 (UTC)