Armenia: Debris and Mudflows
This layer is shows distribution and hazard level of debris- and mud-flows on the territory of Armenia. This data was prepared by Rescue Service of Ministry of Emergency... -
Caucasus: Mountains Ranges (ILIAS 2018)
This layer represents the mountains in Caucasus. Each polyon of the shapefile is a different mountain. The data comes from the University of Bern and was published in 2018,... -
Armenia: Maximal Daily Precipitation
This layer shows maximal daily quantity of precipitations have fallen once for 50 years. It has been obtained based on the analysis of direct observations of more than 180... -
Caucasus: Seismotectonic Model
This layer depicts the seismotectonic model at scale 1:1,000,000 that shows the main active faults in Caucasus region and adjacent countries. This dataset was created in 2005 in... -
Caucasus : Mountain Ranges (ILIAS 2018)
This layer represents the mountains in Caucasus. Each polyon of the shapefile is a different mountain. The data comes from the University of Bern and was published in 2018,... -
Caucasus: Glaciers
This layer shows the glaciers found in the Caucasus region. Here is the glacier outlines are from Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 (https://www.glims.org/RGI/). They were created... -
Armenia: Landslides
This layer shows the location and shape of landslides in the territory of Armenia. Refer to the Features section in the metadata for copyright information. -
Armenia: Average Annual Solar Radiation
GIS data shows average annual solar radiation level in Armenia. This digital map was prepared in the frame of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Armenian Renewable Resources... -
Armenia: Avalanche Hazard Level
Digital map shows avalanches hazard level in Armenia. Original data source: Data base of Hydrometeorological Survey of Georgia and Hydrometeorology Institute. Authors: Khaldani... -
Armenia: Average Annual Precipitation
This layer shows average annual precipitation level in Armenia. This GIS data has been obtained based on the analysis of direct observations of more than 180 monitoring points.... -
Armenia: Flooding Layer Thickness in Springtime
This layer is a map of spring flooding thickness in Armenia, prepared in the frame of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Armenian Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency... -
Armenia: Floods Duration
This layer is a map that shows average duration of spring floods in Armenia. It was prepared in the frame of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Armenian Renewable Resources... -
Caucasus: Cultural Places (2021)
This layer represents different cultural places in Caucasus as of 2021. The data comes from OpenStreetMap and the legend comes from categories used in OpenStreetMap,... -
Armenia: Average Annual Temperature
This is a map shows average annual temperature (in degree centigrade) in Armenia. It is based on observations of more than 90 meteorological stations had ever operated in... -
Armenia: Landscapes
This layer is a landscape map of Armenia at scale 1:750,000. This vector data was produced for SCOPES funded "Supporting Sustainable Mountain Development in the Caucasus... -
Armenia: Land Use
This layer shows the land use in Armenia. This map was prepared in the frame of EU funded "Program of Prevention, Preparedness and Responcse to natural and man-made Disasters in... -
Armenia: Soils
This layers shows the types of soil found in Armenia. Soils map of Armenia at scale 1:750,000. This vector data was produced for SCOPES funded "Supporting Sustainable Mountain... -
Caucasus: Population Density (2020)
This map represents the population density of Caucasus in 2020 per NUTS3. The unit used to represent the population density is the number of people per km2. The data comes from... -
Caucasus: Urbanization Level (2020)
This map represents the urbanization level of Caucasus in 2020 per NUTS3. The unit used to represent the urbanization level is the percentages. The data comes from the national... -
Armenia: Climatic Zones
This layer is a map of climatic zones of Armenia, prepared in the frame of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Armenian Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund Project...