Caucasus: Annual Population Growth ( 2020)
This map represents the average annual growth of population in Caucasus in 2020 per NUTS3. The unit used to represent the annuak growth is the percentages. The data comes from... -
Armenia: Forest Areas
This layer shows distribution of forested territories in Armenia. Refer to the Features section in the metadata for copyright information. -
Caucasus: Total Population (2020)
This map represents the total population of Caucasus in 2020 per NUTS2. The data comes from the national offices of statistics of each country in Caucasus : Armenia,... -
Caucasus Ecoregion: Global Forest Height (2019)
This layer shows the forest canopy height in the Caucasus Ecoregion. Global 30-m spatial resolution forest canopy height map developed through the integration of the Global... -
Armenia: River Catchment Areas (ERICA)
This layer shows all catchment areas of Armenian rivers 5 km long or longer. It is topologically correct system of nested catchment areas of Armenian rivers, coded using ERICA... -
Armenia Hydrogeology: Groundwater Zones
This layer shows zones of groundwater in Armenia. It has been digitized from Hydrogeological map originally downloaded from Water Resources Management Agency of the Ministry of... -
Armenia Hydrogeology: Springs
This layer shows main groups of mineral and freshwater springs in Armenia. It has been digitized from Hydrogeological map originally downloaded from Water Resources Management... -
Armenia Hydrogeology: Aquifer Systems
This layer shows main aquifer systems in Armenia. It has been digitized from Hydrogeological map originally downloaded from Water Resources Management Agency of the Ministry of... -
Caucasus: Cryosphere
This layer shows the location of the Caucasus glaciers (as polygons) coming from the glims database (http://glims.colorado.edu/glacierdata/). Data has been cropped to the... -
Caucasus: UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites
This layer shows the location of the UNESCO sites in Caucasus. The data has been downloaded from UNESCO World Heritage Convention (http://whc.unesco.org/fr/syndication/) as .xls... -
Caucasus: Population Density (2015)
This layers shows the population density in Caucasus as of 2015. Th uni is the number of people per 250 square meters. It was originally downloaded from the Global Human... -
Armenia: River Network System (ERICA)
This layer shows all rivers of Armenia 5 km long or longer. It is fully connected and topologically correct system of Armenian rivers, coded using ERICA (European Rivers and... -
Caucasus: Land Cover (2005)
This layers shows the Caucasus landcover as of 2005 and was originally downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) portal at https://www.esa-landcover-cci.org and... -
Caucasus: Land Cover (2000)
This layers shows the Caucasus landcover as of 2000 and was originally downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) portal at https://www.esa-landcover-cci.org and... -
Caucasus: Land Cover (2010)
This layers shows the Caucasus landcover as of 2010 and was originally downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) portal at https://www.esa-landcover-cci.org and... -
Caucasus: Main Rivers
This layers shows the main rivers of Caucasus and was originally downloaded from the hydrosheds database at http://www.hydrosheds.org/ . The layer has then be cropped at the... -
Iran: Roads
This layer shows the roads network in Iran from OpenstreetMap (http://download.geofabrik.de/asia.html) Refer to Features section in the metadata for copyright information. -
Turkey: Roads
This layer shows the roads network in Turkey from OpenstreetMap (http://download.geofabrik.de/europe.html) Refer to the Features section in the metadata for copyright information. -
Caucasus: Intact Forests Difference 2000-2013
The layer shows the difference in intact forests between 2000 and 2013. This layer has been created by geoprocessing a symmetrical difference between the layers "Intact forest... -
Caucasus: Intact Forests (2013)
This layer represents the global status as of year 2013, and has been downloaded from the Intact Forest Landscapes website (http://www.intactforests.org). It has then been...